
Thursday 15 October 2015

New Grand Prix Times article: Why, whisper it, I quite like the Russian Grand Prix

The second Russian Grand Prix of modern times has just happened, and it's fair to say that the Sochi event is one that does not command universal popularity.

"F1 Grand Prix Russia 2014 start lane" by 
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This is for a number of reasons, some more legitimate than others. In my latest article for Grand Prix Times I explore these, as well as outline why I, despite all this and while it puts me very much in the minority, actually like the Russian Grand Prix.

I also look at a matter that was made obvious by the debut Russian race 12 months ago, and was hinted at by the latest one, that F1's problem of aerodynamics that don't allow cars to get near each other, at least without sticking plaster solutions such as gumball Pirelli tyres, has not gone away.

You can read the article here:

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