It feels very strange that this year Talking about F1 will celebrate its eighth birthday. Time has flown, which must mean I've been having fun. But then again why would getting a pulpit to opine on a sport that I've had a passion for from an early age be anything other than fun?
A bad selfie by some old guy. |
Yet the site has also been good for aiding my own development as a writer and (stop laughing at the back) journalist; as well as writing for other sites I've had the privilege of attending a number of F1 races as an accredited journalist. And in the last 12 months things have moved up a gear or two.
You may know that in this time I've been part of the Autosport Academy, doing various things for Autosport and Motorsport News. This includes reporting from paddocks for various UK national events, and I aim to do more of the same again this year.
It has been a great experience, and an invaluable opportunity to work with fantastic people and to develop my journalistic skills which - given F1 is peculiar in many ways - is not so easy to do in an F1 paddock.
But the flipside of me covering national events is that it will occupy me on many F1 weekends, so I will have to tweak my F1 output on this site.
I still intend before each Grand Prix to produce a preview article on the Monday and a betting preview on the Wednesday as usual.
I also intend to still produce Grand Prix race reports though these will likely be available a little later than before, sometime on the Monday after each race most likely.
And with regret
I won't be able to write qualifying reports this year, as I doubt there will be much opportunity in a lot of weekends to produce this in time. Obviously I can cover any momentous qualifying moments in the race report, particularly those that impact the race.
Thanks as ever for all of your support and kind words over time, I hope that you continue to enjoy the site as much as I enjoy writing on it.
If you have any queries or comments then please let me know in the comments or else drop me a line at
Graham Keilloh